FADM Graphic
and Media Design
Teaching and Tutoring
at a pre-degree level
Welcome to BACA's Foundation course in Graphic and Media Design! This digital learning environment is for you to explore the resources and contents of the course.

1. Design Fundamentals
In this module, each unit is complementary to the projects that you do in the studios as well as independent from them. Each lesson is taught on a weekly basis at BACA depending of our time schedule, so feel free to use this area accordingly. Send me an email or a message in the WeChat group if any question.
2. Graphic design workshops
​As design teacher, I have refined a series of workshops over time that can be taught over a few hours or several days. These workshops, made for small groups of students aged 15 to 21, explore printmaking techniques, typographic compositions, banner design, software learning, and mixed media works incorporating photography, sound and video.
3. Selection of students' projects
​Over four years of tutoring students on their design projects, I have compiled a selection of some worth analysing and using as references. These projects could last from one to three months, covering a wide range of themes, interests and areas within graphic design.